Please plan ahead.

Downtown is under construction, there is a skating rink inconveniently in the middle of the road and it is terribly inconvenient to navigate, the traffic is often at a standstill and the parking is not only inconvenient but also costs $$. Please ensure that you leave home with enough time to deal with all of the mess and still get your child signed in on time. When dancers are signed in late, it is extremely hard on us and more importantly, it is very stressful for your dancers. 

A Message from Ms. Anne

As a mom myself, I know that it is hard to navigate downtown and the traffic and paid parking etc is a pain. Schlepping your dancer downtown every day for a week is a big pain. There is just no way to do this show without rehearsals in the theater. It is a safety and a performance issue. We are working very hard to make sure that the rehearsals are as fast as we can make them for the kids. We endeavor to be done on time each evening. Please be patient with us. Please also try to refrain from sharing your frustration with your dancer. Performing in The Nutcracker Ballet is a very exciting event for them. They feel very important going into the big theater and having dressing rooms etc. It is all very exciting. Please remember that our kiddos feed off our energy. If we are angry and annoyed getting them to the theatre, they come in feeling very stressed and sad. It is one week out of the year but the memories last a lifetime!